Shakespeare: After Dark

A night of raucous tomfoolery and entertainment, hosted at Saxe Point Public House.


Introducing Shakespeare After Dark; a night of saucy and alluring performances featuring burlesque, drag, clown, comedy, and more!

Join us at Saxe Point Pub from 8-10PM on December 8th, for a sensual Shakespearean-themed night you will not forget! At this evening you will see a wide variety of local artists (some fresh-faced newcomers and some known-beloveds) participating in our jam-packed fundraiser. Saxe Point Pub will be offering a special menu during our event, for one night only- so come hungry, for a quart of ale is a dish for a king. All proceeds of this event will go towards the Shakespearean performances you know and love: GVSF’s summer season (to be announced very soon!) 

We hope to bring you the most spectacular shows possible, we strive to pay our artists as much as possible, all while aiming to keep the arts as accessible as possible. With these principles in mind, this event has flexible ticket pricing, ranging from $25 and up, allowing those who can to pay as much as they desire.

The more we can raise together, the easier it is for us to keep ticket prices for our summer shows low. Last year we had record highs of low cost/free entry tickets given to community members, and we hope to beat that number this year.

If you have it in you to give, we have it in us to show you what we’ve got.

Hope to see you there!

This event is 19+ and the establishment serves food & liquor. Drinks or meals are not included in ticket price. 

You can find TICKETS FOR SHAKESPEARE AFTER DARK on our showpass account.

If you have any questions regarding the security of transactions, Showpass’s term and conditions can be found here.

Fees are processed via the app, but all proceeds from ticket sales go to directly supporting our summer season.

As is the case with many performing arts organizations, we are faced with a serious shortfall of revenue due to the COVID-19 crisis. Despite this challenge, it is our priority to create accessible Shakespearean experiences in a time when so many are struggling, so we are open to being contacted for a low amount of accessible tickets.

If you are able to support the Festival, please consider making a donation. We greatly appreciate your continued support!

Thank you to the CRD for their continued and deeply valued support of the Greater Victoria Shakespeare Festival.